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Initially, I was going to title this post "Top 10 Student Affairs Graduate Programs That Get Technology." However, when I started to ponder which programs actually are leading the way when it comes to technology in Student Affairs, I couldn't think of any programs. So, either I need to get out more, there aren't any programs that are actively positioning themselves in this way, or it's a little of both. In terms of marketing a graduate program in Student Affairs, there's definitely space for tech-savvy, tech-leading, and/or tech-incorporating programs. Anecdotally, I've never heard anyone make mention of the fact that their graduate program was heavily focused on technology.

Perhaps the issue is that technology is so difficult to define. And then, once you define it, your definition most-likely becomes obsolete. A lot of folks seem to conflate technology with social media. While social media is definitely a form of communications technology, it is not the end-all / be-all for tech. Technology in Student Affairs can encompass everything from blazing fast hardware, super functional software, enterprise-level student information systems, recruitment platforms, assessment tools, website structure / content, social media, and payment processing systems. And, that is just the tip of the student affairs and technology conversation. A Student Affairs graduate program that really wanted to become the preeminent technology-incorporating program would have to reinvent and rewire. A program would not be able to implement this change overnight.

In the search for at least one Student Affairs graduate program that is attempting to lead the way with technology, I went to Twitter:



The response to my query was fairly tweetless. A few folks on Twitter asked if I had received any responses. Perhaps my timing was off? However, there were quite a few folks tweeting away who I know went through a Student Affairs graduate program.

Maybe this is a new niche for a program? Who wants to pick up the baton and run with this? Is your Student Affairs graduate program leading the way with technology? Are you learning what you need to know for a future that is more tech-savvy than luddite-affirming?


Do you tweet? Let's connect. Follow me on Twitter.