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Harrison Butker leans toward a microphone smiling.

Commencement Speech Crosses, Captivates—and Centers Campus Culture Wars

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker sparked controversy at Benedictine College’s graduation when he praised women who choose to be homemakers and mothers.

Ex-Seminary Prof Charged With Falsifying Notes Amid Sexual Abuse Probe

A former professor and interim provost of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary was arraigned Tuesday on federal charges of falsification of...
A Belmont University faculty member teaches a class outside to a row of students sitting on a curb with a green lawn and trees behind them.

Belmont University Permits Hiring Interfaith Faculty

The faith-based university in Tennessee has taken another step away from its longstanding tradition of hiring only Christian professors. Existing faculty are expected to have mixed reactions.

Roman Catholic Colleges in Iowa Explore ‘Strategic Combination’

St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy Universities, two Roman Catholic institutions that lie about 80 miles apart from each other in...
A robot hand is placed over a brown Bible with a cross on the cover.

Religious Institutions Embrace AI as an Educational Tool

Despite widespread concerns about AI among secular and nonsecular institutions, religious colleges are treating generative AI as a tool for lessons that go beyond academics and also focus on the whole person.

A headshot Janay Garrick

Sex Discrimination or Doctrinal Differences?

A former professor’s sex discrimination lawsuit against Moody Bible Institute was recently allowed to proceed by a federal appeals court. The case could have bigger implications for religious colleges.

A scenic shot of the Liberty University campus.

Liberty University Fined $14 Million for Clery Violations

The historic fine was part of a settlement agreement with the Department of Education for numerous violations of campus crime-reporting requirements.

A close-up of the facade of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Whom Would Jesus Cancel?

Alex Small offers a Catholic defense of academic freedom in the wake of a Catholic University of America lecturer’s firing.