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States Bristle at Cardona Plea to Push Aid Deadlines

Many local officials say they’ll do what’s right for students, but note that pushing the deadline back too far could have its own unintended consequences.

Rating States’ Work on Post-College Outcomes

Data-rich report from Strada shows few states have highly developed systems for career coaching, work-based learning or alignment with employer interests.

Illinois’s Ambitious Plan for Higher Ed Funding

The complex formula, mirroring K-12 overhauls, prioritizes adequate and equitable funding for historically underfunded regional and minority-serving institutions.

Making College Mergers Easier in New York

State weighs changes that would let struggling private colleges team up with out-of-state institutions.

House Panel Advances Anti-‘Political Litmus Test’ Bills

Democrats call the GOP-sponsored bills an unnecessary attempt to codify rights already protected by the First Amendment that could hinder antisemitism response.