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'Theology in Life'

Benedictine University’s new “Theology of Love” class will cover areas of moral theology, yes (issues of sexual and social ethics)...

What Would Jesus Do (in College)?

Some Christian and Catholic colleges want to identify themselves as explicitly progressive, on their own terms -- and to make clear that the religious right in higher ed doesn't speak for them.

Divorce: Grounds for Dismissal

At Wheaton in Illinois, a professor resigns to avoid being fired under college policy on marriage.

The Pope's Positive Message

In advance of the pope's visit to the United States, many speculated on what he would have to say to...

Seminaries Under Stress

Radical changes among Episcopal institutions point to pressures on traditional residential model -- which is being reevaluated and redefined as some search for new niches.

A New Campus, According to Ancient Principles

Maharishi U. is reconstructing its entire physical plant in line with the "nourishing" principles of Vedic architecture.

When Identity Trumps Diversity

When a professor asked for an exemption to a Calvin College policy so she could join a black church -- while remaining a tenure-track faculty member -- the board said no.

Catholic Character

After years of planning, a new generation of ideological colleges takes shape, in purposeful counterpoint to traditional institutions they see as having lost the way.