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Sea Change or Small Step Toward Interreligious Inclusion?

Belmont University, which solely employed Christian faculty members, plans to hire some Jewish professors. Supporters say the decision will promote religious inclusion at the institution. Critics believe it either goes too far or not far enough.

Falwell in Exile

Jerry Falwell Jr. built Liberty University up before resigning as president amid a sex scandal. Now he’s banned from campus and locked in conflict with the institution his father founded.

Affirming LGBTQ Rights—at a Cost

Eastern University says it will now hire LGBTQ employees, risking its membership in prominent group for Christian colleges.

Yale Law Once Again in Conservative Crosshairs

Lingering free speech concerns from past events at Yale Law School prompt a conservative judge to call for his colleagues to avoid hiring graduates as clerks.

A ‘Pro-Life’ Medical School

Plans are underway for a new, independent Catholic medical school on the campus of Benedictine College that will strictly adhere to Catholic principles on abortion and end-of-life issues.

‘Mining the Depths of Our Differences’

A program seeks to build bridges between conservative Christian colleges and colleges known for their liberal ideals. The goal is to chip away at religious and political polarization on campuses and nationwide.

Colleges Face a Student Housing Squeeze

Some colleges attribute long wait lists for campus housing to heightened demand for a residential experience following two-plus years of COVID-19 disruptions.

Seattle Pacific Sues Washington AG

The Christian university is suing the Washington attorney general for investigating its anti-LGBTQ+ hiring practices, arguing it violates the institution’s First Amendment rights.