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Cover of “The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming” by David Wallace-Wells

‘The Uninhabitable Earth’ and the Adaptable Campus

Climate change and higher education’s built environment.

 Cover of “On the Move: The Overheating Earth and the Uprooting of America” by Abrahm Lustgarten

Reading ‘On the Move’ and Thinking Mostly About Climate Change

Another excellent book to place in conversation with Universities on Fire.

Vermont College of Fine Arts Seeks Buyer

Vermont College of Fine Arts, which moved its low-residency programs out of state and sold off several campus buildings in...

Goddard College Goes Online Only

Goddard College in Vermont is ending on-campus residency programs and shifting classes to online only, at least for now, the...

Bacone College Campus Auction Called Off

Facing the prospect of losing its campus, Bacone College got a temporary reprieve last week when an auction scheduled for...
Protesters stand with a sign asking Cornell to remove Starbucks from campus. There is also a man with a bullhorn.

Campus Starbucks Leave Bitter Taste for Students

Once known for its progressive politics, Starbucks’s labor practices have soured its reputation in the eyes of many college students. Now some want the chain booted from campus.

Webster University Sued Over Unpaid-Rent Allegations

Webster University is being sued for allegedly failing to pay rent on its downtown St. Louis campus, St. Louis Today...