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A blue and pink flag transgender pride flies in the wind.

Biden Administration Hears From 132,000 and Counting on Title IX Rule

The rule would prevent blanket bans on transgender athletes participating in the sport that matches their gender identity, but some groups want the Education Department to do more to protect this group of students.

Protesters inside a building holding signs opposed to a ban on transgender student athletes.

Biden Administration Would Prohibit Blanket Bans on Transgender Athletes

Proposed Title IX rule would require colleges to set sport-specific criteria if they seek to limit or deny a transgender student from playing a sport consistent with their gender identity.

The NCAA Women’s Academic Bracket, 2023 Edition

Who would win the NCAA Division I women’s basketball tournament if academics determined the outcome? Our distinctive methodology picks the winner(s).

The NCAA Men’s Academic Bracket, 2023 Edition

Who would win the NCAA men’s basketball tournament if academic performance trumped athletic skill? An Inside Higher Ed tradition since 2006.

‘Disappointment’ and ‘Regret’

Recent allegations of hazing within New Mexico State University’s basketball program are being investigated. The program has been suspended and the head coach fired.

Raising a Flag on Colleges’ Sports Gambling Play

College leaders have been neglectful of moral and compliance-related risks in signing agreements with sports betting companies, John R. Thelin and Eric Thomas Weber write.

Embattled NCAA Puts a Politician at the Helm

Charlie Baker, the departing Massachusetts governor and first politician to lead the NCAA, will try to chart a path out of the legal and political quagmire the organization is mired in.

Outcry at UVA Over Controversial Board Member

The new board member at the University of Virginia is an appointee of the Republican governor and the latest example of the increasing political polarization of higher education in the state.