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A college professor teaches a group of five students gathered around a table.

With Confidence in Higher Ed Plummeting, Colleges Must Recommit to Teaching

The best way to rebuild confidence in higher ed is to focus on teaching, Holden Thorp and Buck Goldstein write.

Report: Most University IT Employees Are Burned Out

IT employees at universities are experiencing burnout, increased workload and dipping budgets, according to a new report. Educause, a nonprofit...
Teacher takes time to walk and talk with teen

Faculty, Staff Members Serve as Key Mental Health Resources for Students

A survey of Iowa community college employees found stakeholders want to support students’ mental health, but many feel underprepared to do so. University of Iowa researchers identified six solutions to help.

Snow falls on a bare tree.

Let Snow Days Be Snow Days

Insisting on “instructional continuity” is both joyless and blind to the realities of students’ lives, Matt Johnson writes.


Teaching Religion in the Secular University

The place of religion in the secular curriculum.

Full-Time, Non-Tenure-Track NYU Faculty Members Unionize

Full-time, non-tenure-track faculty members at New York University have unionized, creating the largest bargaining unit of such employees at a...
A photograph of protesting students holding signs on the University of Alabama at Birmingham's campus.

As Alabama Republicans Target DEI, They Propose ‘Gag Order’ on Professors

Free speech groups and students have raised alarm about a bill that flew through the state’s Senate last week and awaits action in the House.

An overhead view of a group of six students studying together, their books and notebooks open, around a small, cozy table.

Gluing Higher Ed Back Together

Nine members of the National Learning Community Collaborative argue that now is the time to invest in learning communities.