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In that case, Dean Dad, consider yourself flattered, because here are my Friday Fragments.


My daughter is turning 5 next week. In less than a month, I'll be registering her for Kindergarten in the fall. A hypothetical (the k-12 school system) will become a reality, with one child firmly entrenched within it.

I know it's a little early, but I am terrified. I compare my daughter's love of learning and discovery with my Freshmen's...indifference to outright hostility to learning and it sends me into a bit of funk; I am dreading the day when that light behind her eyes in extinguished and she becomes, well, what some of my students have become.

Then again, I see that light come back with the peer-driven learning class, so there’s that. 13-15 years from now. If she gets me for a teacher.


She’s turning 5, which also means there will be a party. The sheer amount of crap I have to buy for this party is staggering. Decorations! Goody bags! Food! Treats! Games! Presents! And more presents! Some of this smacks of “keeping-up-with-the-Jones” as I know what her classmates parties have looked like. I didn’t get invited to parties when I was a kid. I didn’t have birthday parties either. She has more friends now than I ever did until high school (cue violins). But we live in a small town, I already have a bit of a reputation as that mom and I want to make sure that my kids aren’t punished because I’m socially maladjusted. So a birthday party with all the bells and whistles I can afford (no, you can’t have a bouncy castle) it is.


I finally read The Hunger Games. Loved every minute of it (which, admittedly, weren’t very many). Will be rewarding myself with the next book after grading.


Even though professionally 2012 is shaping into the best year professionally for me yet, I can’t help but feel a little jealous at all the new and exciting new job announcements I keep seeing pop up on Twitter and in my FB timeline. I am genuinely happy for everyone, but the limited nature of my current position seems stands in stark contrast.

Having said that, I just put in my book orders for the online course I’m teaching in the fall in Canadian Literature. I’m particularly glad that I didn’t throw away/sell/give away all of my Canadian Literature books in a fit of resignation. Revisiting all of these materials is making me excited for the fall semester to come. I’m going to be teaching literature again! Canadian literature! Finally, a subject where I don’t feel continually behind the eight-ball.

If this is successful, I am making long-term plans to propose a course in Women’s Studies and Digital Humanities. We have an annual Art/Media/Writing contest that rewards artists “that strive to offer original insights and/or novel approaches to problems in Women’s Studies.” Imaging half of the semester looking at issues of gender and digital humanities, then learning and building something either as individuals or as a group? The wheels are turning in my brain.


Speaking of Digital Humanities, did you see that the first issue of the Journal of Digital Humanities is live? It is. Take a look. There’s some great stuff.

Have a happy Easter! 

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