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A photo of UNC Greensboro's campus.

Another Wave of Campus Cuts

Numerous colleges announced or completed plans to cut academic programs or jobs in February. Many of those institutions are in the Midwest—particularly Ohio.

Transcript with no-credit marks and Western Oregon University logo in background

Western Oregon University Adopts New Grading System

D and F grades will be replaced with “no credit” and will not affect students’ GPAs. University leaders say it will raise retention rates; critics say it may lower academic rigor and lead to grade inflation.

Student and instructor working on hands-on project

Interest in Skill-Based Learning Not Keeping Up With Demand

A new study found 86 percent of faculty and staff say there’s a need for new skills-based learning models, but only 22 percent of their institutions had implemented them.

Students at job fair

Survey Finds Employer Confidence in College Grads

American Association of Colleges and Universities report finds employers see value in degrees and favor graduates who’ve been exposed to a wide range of viewpoints.

A professor points to large jars of cannabis

South Dakota College Proposes Cannabis Education Requirement

Voters approved medical cannabis in the state in 2020, but the industry still has critics. Can an education program for marijuana dispensary workers improve the industry’s credibility?

A close-up of a green road sign that says "College Ave" with a brick university building in the background.

WVU Abandons Award-Winning Global Education

In cutting foreign language programs, West Virginia closes doors for its students and undermines the purpose of the university, Neil B. Weissman writes.

Photo illustration of a sprinter wearing a mortarboard

The First 3-Year Degree Programs Win Approval

BYU-Idaho and Ensign College will launch truncated bachelor’s degree programs next spring after getting the go-ahead from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.

UW Oshkosh Sends Grads Belated $8K Bill

Seven recent graduates of the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh are facing steep bills after a coding error that led...