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This past weekend, we had THATCamp Kentucky (if you click on the link, it will take you the site where you can see some of what we did, as well as the archive of tweets). I think it went well. It’s really hard to tell when you’re the organizer and all you can see if how it all could have gone better. Like the logistics. Like promotion. Like maybe people shouldn’t let me organize things because I’m not tremendously organized while simultaneously being overwhelmed by all of the things I agree to do that maybe this isn’t such a great idea…

But that might be the exhaustion talking.

One thing that I am particularly pleased about is on Sunday morning (due to the library being under summer hours), we met at a local coffee shop that had free wifi and just sat around, moving amongst each other, and talking. We had all gotten to know each other and our interests/expertise on Saturday, but I thought we could take some time to break off into smaller, less formal groupings to get into more detail. Now, maybe three hours was too long (we had to wait until noon for the library to open), but I liked the connections and conversations it brought about.

Less is more, so to speak.  I’m good at imposing it on others, but not so good at applying it to my own life.


I’m really thrilled to announce that on July 10th, I’m going to be offering a free (FREE!) webinar: An Introduction to Academic Blogging. I’ve had a pretty meteoric rise, all things considered, from humble Blogger blog to here on IHE. I’ll be talking about choosing a blogging platform, finding your voice, and building an audience.

Sound interesting? Sign up for it right now!


The past few posts I’ve written here have really got me thinking about how academics “interact” in the comments section both here and over at CHE. I’d love to be able to study both the frequency and different ways that academics are using shame to try and police behavior, as well as silencing dissenting voices. A quick request on Twitter revealed that I would need to “scrape” the comments, and then find a way to analyze the texts.

Anyone interested in helping me do this, either by offering technical expertise or suggesting tools that would be relevant, email me or leave your suggestion in the comments.


On Wednesday, you should go over to the MediaCommons page; my contribution to their current question, “What Does Use of Digital Teaching Tools Look Like in the Classroom?” will be appearing.


I’ll be in Chicago in January for the MLA. I was accepted onto THREE panels (!!) but unfortunately I’ll only be able to officially present on two. You can check out some of the accepted panels relating to the digital humanities here.  The list is evolving, so if you’re presenting on a topic that should be included in the list, you can let the shit administrators know and they’ll add you.

I’m excited to see so many friends and colleagues presenting. Chicago is going to be a blast.