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According to Big Think, we are "drowning in information." I can relate to that statement. Lately, my own content consumption has almost been overwhelming.

When Andrea Useem, Director of Licensing at Big Think, contacted me to tell me about their new Big Think Career Curriculum, I was intrigued. The curriculum features "actionable career insights from today’s most influential leaders and experts, as they share their knowledge on topics ranging from résumés to risk-taking." It sounds amazing. I get a lot of emails from PR firms, tech companies, and service providers. Andrea's email caught my attention because I was already aware of the fascinating content that Big Think produces. I've been following @BigThink on Twitter and reading blog posts on their site for quite a while. They have an amazing array of thought leaders that create compelling content for the site. The career curriculum is a video-driven product that was created for higher education career services units as a way of connecting students with "Big Thinkers."

Here is a sample of one of the Big Think videos featuring former NBA player / Psychologist John Amaechi:

The Big Think Career Curriculum is currently in use at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. I asked Jeff Muzzerall, Director of the MBA Corporate Connections Centre at Rotman about the Big Think product:

Why did Rotman choose to implement Big Think "Careers"?

Our Dean, Roger Martin, introduced us to the folks at BigThink. We’ve been thrilled to partner with Victoria the CEO, Andrea the Director of Partnerships and all the bright folks on their team. The “Stand Out”- online videos series is a pioneering effort to deliver innovative career strategy and advice in an educational and entertaining medium. Our motto at Rotman is “A New Way to Think”. BigThink gets it; we’re simpatico.

Have you received any feedback from students? If so, what are they saying?

Anecdotally, our students are enthusiastic about the program and appreciate the crisp, professional video format. Quotes include “amazing” “How can we afford these?” and “I love the personalized messaging”.

What are the benefits for Rotman for using the Big Think Careers videos?

The videos enable us to provide our students with high caliber content, professional production and enable our students to sharpen their career focus and inspire them to pursue big career goals or launch their own business. The 24/7 accessibility and efficient parsing of big thinkers advice and experience helps give our students and edge in career discovery and goal achievement techniques and strategies.

How are you measuring the impact of the Big Think Careers program in terms of engagement and success?

Almost a quarter of our students access the videos weekly, which is a strong testimonial for success, given competing media and intense course/exam requirements.

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