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I happened to see this tweet from Kenn Elmore, Boston University's Dean of Students, the other day and I think it needs more exposure. An "unconventional" Student Affairs Unconference is a fairly provocative way of framing an event. While this will not be the first Student Affairs Unconference, I have a feeling that the "unconventional" aspect will serve as a draw for a lot of Student Affairs professionals in the greater Boston area. Since I'm all about engaging with fellow Student Affairs practitioners on Twitter, I offered up my own 140 character idea to answer Elmore's query:

The neat aspect of Twitter is that people are constantly "lurking and learning." Lisa Endersby tweeted out that perhaps Elmore should invite a Canadian contingent to the Unconventional Student Affairs Event:

The Dean of Students at George Washington University, Peter Konwerski, answered my tweet with his thoughts to the future of Student Affairs:

Sometimes I wish that there was a "like" button on Twitter. Virginia's comment works for me! Student Affairs + Technology for the win!

So what do you think? What topics should be discussed at an unconventional Student Affairs unconference?

Note: Now that New, New Twitter is here and embedding tweets is as easy as embedding a YouTube video, I plan on featuring tweets from Student Affairs pros every once in a while. Your tweets might just be featured in my next post!

Do you tweet? Let's connect. Follow me on Twitter.