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Student affairs professionals frequently use hashtags on Twitter to organize around specific topics and add context to their tweets. One of the most influential student affairs hashtags is the #SAchat tag. Numerous hashtags have emerged as a way for student affairs practitioners to create community, engage in networking, and as spaces for peer-to-peer conversations. One of the newest and most exciting student affairs-related hashtags is: #WLSalt.

This January, six participants and one faculty member from the 2010 Women's Leadership Institute, an event held annually serving 19 of the CHEMA organizations, came together and created this hashtag to support and engage women in higher education in the Twittersphere. They use the hashtag to send tweets that support, lift, encourage, and promote women leaders and invite others to use it as well. This is all in an effort to build a network of women focused on and consciously choosing to push women forward at all levels in higher education. They are confident that the hashtag can create a network of women on Twitter who will enthusiastically help each other in generating amazing professional opportunities.

Using the #WLSalt hashtag, all SA pros are invited to become #WLSalt evangelists and use the tag to:

  • Support: Provide support, connections, and resources for leadership, academic, and career opportunities
  • Affirm: Highlight the success of women leaders at all levels
  • Lift: Elevate women through recognition, introductions and relationships
  • Transform: Facilitate the continued success of woman in higher education

In addition to the #WLSalt hashtag, the group co-tweets from: @SAWomenLead, they blog at, and are currently developing a Facebook page.

A #WLSalt tweetup is scheduled to take place at the 2011 NASPA Annual Conference in Philadelphia:

#WLsalt Tweetup
Saturday, March 12th at 8pm
Finn McCool's (118 S. 12th Street)

The #WLSalt hashtag has been a great place to find resources, connect with amazing leaders, and as an additional way to continue supporting the successes of all women in higher education. With most of the major student affairs associations having communities of support for women, the #WLSalt hashtag adds another layer of generative community-building and engagement.

Do you tweet? Let's connect. Follow me on Twitter.