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This I Believe:  

  • That the distinction between an educator who works for a university and an educator who works for a company is meaningless.  None of us would survive long if we failed to produce value.
  • That tomorrow the university and the company employee may end up switching places - the border is porous.
  • That educators who work for ed tech companies are motivated primarily by educational, and not monetary, goals - and that they have chosen to work outside of the academy because it is the company's and schools that will positively disrupt our educational status quo.

What do you believe?


I also believe that we, as a community, are largely failing to understand each other across the lines of academy and company.  People who work in the edtech vendor community are, by and large, too hesitant to get out in front of the corporate PR messaging and speak their minds as individuals.  And people (like me) who work for a university have failed to engage our corporate colleagues as partners, failed to include them at all of our education tables, and have consistently misunderstood and mischaracterized their motives.


The solution to this problem of communication will be found in the social media space - the various spheres of news/analysis/comments/blogs/tweets where the edtech conversation has moved.  We need to find and promote the best edtech blogs written by educators who happen to not work for a university.   


Among the criteria that I'm looking for (beyond corporate employment in the edtech space), these bloggers should:  

  1. Write as individuals, not as spokespeople for the companies they work for.
  2. Have an independent platform, one that is not fully and totally tied to the company that they work for.
  3. Be opinionated and passionate, and have a demonstrated willingness and track record of participating in conversations beyond their own blogs.
  4. Contribute energetically (and frequently) to the edtech discussion.

I'm looking forward to your suggestions.


Some nominations:


e-Literate by  by Michael Feldstein at Cengage Learning 


What is Thought? by Adrian Sannier at Pearson Learning


Open Technology  by Leah Belsky and Michal Tsur at Kaltura


PhilOnEdTech by Phil Hill at Delta Initiative


Higher Innovation by Cameron Evans at Microsoft


Okay …. who did I leave out?   I know lots of bloggers in the consumer tech space - I'm hoping to identify more in the corporate edtech space.


Your nominations?

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