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Today I have a flight from Logan (BOS) to Reagan (DCA). My flight leaves at 1:00pm. I arrive at 10:00am.
3 hours early to the airport is about my happy place. I’ve been know to come earlier.
There are two types of people in the world. Those who arrive to the airport ridiculously early (me), and those who like show up before they lock the jetway door (my wife). Which one are you?
Why do I show up so early to the airport, and why should you as well:
Security: I’m bad at airport security. The whole process stresses me out. It always seems to take me longer to take off my shoes, remove my toiletries, and unpack my laptop than the person behind me. I’m a bottleneck. I’m petrified that I’ll leave my laptop at security. (I did this once, for about 3 minutes, it was horrifying). I’m convinced that the delay through security will cause me to miss my flight. Last time I flew I forgot to dump out my water, and had to do that walk of shame to the TSA garbage can.  
Serenity: Once I’m past the TSA security gauntlet I’m immediately enveloped by a sense of inner peace. At a nice airport, like Terminal B at Logan, post security has everything that I need in life. In the dreamy 2 hours that I’ll have before my flight boards I’ll:
  •  Work: Terminal B at Logan has everything I need for maximum work productivity. The loganwifi connection is free and reasonably fast. (I only had to watch a short commercial for the Surface 3). There are charging stations everywhere. I can find sitting areas that are mercifully devoid of a blaring big screen TV. (Although not enough of these areas).  The lack of meetings at the airport means that some of my most productive work time comes while waiting for a flight. 
  • Exercise: My daily step goal is 15,000 - tracked by the iPhone FitBit app. I seldom reach my goal. But the earlier I arrive at the airport the closer I will get. There is no greater happiness than walking from one end of the terminal to the other while listening to an audiobook (from the Audible iPhone app).  
What are your most and least favorite airports and terminals to work, think, and exercise?
How early do you get to the airport?

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