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What will be the big story to come out of EDUCAUSE this year?

What are the big things that you hope to learn this week in Denver at the annual EDUCAUSE conference?

What insight or bit takeaway might you take back to campus from your conference experience?

If I could choose one theme that I hope resonates with EDUCAUSE attendees this year it would be around productivity.   

My hope is that the education and technology leaders present at EDUCAUSE somehow collectively arrive at the following conclusions:

1. That educational technology leaders must take a prominent role in strategic planning to improve quality while simultaneously lowering the costs of postsecondary education.

2. That we can increase the supply of higher education slots available without compromising (and in fact improving) the quality of the education we offer.

3. That by increasing the supply of student spaces and holding cost increases below the rate of enrollment growth that we can reduce the cost-per-student of a post-secondary education.

4. That blended and online learning is the key to increasing the number of students we can educate without reducing quality.

5. That in some cases the most efficacious route to increasing educational supply through blended and online learning programs is to partner with for-profit providers, and that this option should at least be looked at in strategic planning.

The two questions that I hope every attendee is asking every presenter and every vendor representative are: 

a) How does your method, service, or platform increase educational quality and reduce costs? 

b) How can your method, service or platform assist post-secondary education institutions in bringing innovations to scale, therefore increasing access (and supply) to higher education?

What are your thoughts as you prepare for EDUCAUSE 2012?

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