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I saw on Twitter that Jim Collins did not grant permission for his EDUCAUSE keynote "Good to Great and the Social Sectors" to be recorded and and displayed. Do a Twitter search for "Collins #educause09". This is in contrast to Lessig's talk, which is available on both the conference streaming site and

If the Collins talk is indeed not going to be available for viewing on the public Web then this is a troubling development.

EDUCAUSE should be taking the lead in providing access to the conference materials to as many learners and educators as possible. The model of open learning and sharing is one that many members of EDUCAUSE are advocating for on our campuses. We look to EDUCAUSE as both a resource and an example of best practices.

I hope that going forward it is a requirement of all EDUCAUSE speakers that they agree to have their talks shared with the world.

Actually....I'd like to go further.

I'd like to see all EDUCAUSE presentations be loaded up to the YouTube EDU channel (for searching) and a downloadable copy be made available as well. I end up watching lots of TED talks on my iPod Touch - EDUCAUSE should provide the same opportunity.

In fact, I think EDUCAUSE should go TED one better, and provide an "opt-in" sign-up for speaker to all allow their talks and presentations to be mashed-up and reposted. I bet most presenters would love it if their talks were mashed up (I know I would), and an opt-in policy would protect those who would rather not have their work altered.

Streaming the EDUCAUSE talks with Silverlight through the mediasite player provides a gorgeous experience, my hope is that this is retained while also allowing wider distribution, downloading, and mashing.

What do you think?

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