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The storied criminal career of University of Georgia football rushes forward with the impetuosity of a naked boot leg play. Winner of the 2010  Fulmer Cup for the most arrested university team in America, Georgia refuses to rest on its laurels. Every recruitment year is an adventure in felony, each month a fresh rap sheet. 

“Remember, Anne," says Anne of Green Gables' teacher to her, "every day is a new day with no mistakes in it.”  It's a challenge Georgia's players have taken fully on board, with Friday's arrest of Isaiah Crowell (who denies knowledge of the 9-mm Luger handgun, its serial number altered, under the driver's seat of his car) the latest check-mark on their mistake-a-day calendar.  "According to the police report, four other Georgia football players were also in Crowell’s vehicle, including three 2012 freshman signees. "

Although Auburn University can't keep up with the Dawgs, you'll recall that gun violence involving university football players took place two weeks ago on that campus ("guns and marijuana appear to be a part of the culture around the Auburn football program").  Remember Tennessee.

Football at Georgia is ugly in lots of other ways.  Recall the controversy over the state of the campus after games.  University librarians complained about starting their day stepping on shit crapped out in building entryways by tailgaters.  Swathes of the campus post-football were shitholes, and even the most enthusiastic fans were beginning to notice.  "Tailgaters trashed the campus Saturday, leaving mounds of plastic cups, coolers, tents, chairs and other debris. By Sunday morning most of the campus was covered with garbage."

The university, its president a high-ranking NCAA guy, deals with all of this shit by producing more shit.  Shit language about student athletes and everybody makes mistakes and Miami is worse.  Read the comment thread on this article.

When do you decide a university football program is so full of shit it should be suspended?
