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Among this week's digital learning headlines in Inside Higher Ed:

  • Colleges are struggling to figure out how to comply with new federal rules on state authorization for online programs, scheduled to take effect in July. Campus officials are seeking clarification from the Education Department on several aspects of the regulation -- particularly what is meant by a student's "state of residence" and which format institutions should use for the required disclosures.
  • Ashford University is the latest for-profit institution to seek to become a nonprofit. And its parent company, Bridgepoint Education, will transform into an online program management company, helping Ashford (and eventually other institutions) operate their distance education programs. The for-profit to nonprofit conversion trend could make the OPM space even more crowded, with Grand Canyon University and Kaplan (thanks to its newly approved arrangement with Purdue) also expanding their footprints into the enabler business.
  • New European rules on data privacy could have major implications for American colleges and universities -- including those that enroll European students at a distance.

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