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  • California legislative leaders and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger reached a budget deal late Tuesday that would give colleges their first spending increases in several years. Lobbyists for the state's three college systems said that they had not yet seen full details of the final version of the budget legislation -- which the Legislature is expected to consider and pass today -- but that they generally liked what they had seen.
  • Dell and Napster announced that they were teaming up to help colleges and universities give their students a new (and legal) way to download music files. The companies said that under their partnership, which the University of Washington will become the first institution to offer this fall, Dell's servers will provide the added bandwidth that campus networks need to accommodate their students' use of Napster's digital music service.
  • The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey continued to double bill the federal government for Medicaid services provided by doctors at its clinics even after it was warned about the practice in 2001, The New York Times reported Wednesday.
  • The Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science replaced its president and other top administrators amid increasing scrutiny fromLos Angeles County and national accreditors, the Los Angeles Times reported. The institution has had several of its residency programs curtailed by accreditors.

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