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AACRAO and NACUBO Issue Statement on Holds

The American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers and the National Association of College and University Business Officers have...

Data Analytics & Retention Strategies at The University of Southern Mississippi | Available On-Demand

Join us for a webcast and hear from Dr. Amy Chasteen, Executive Vice Provost for Academic Affairs at the University...

Revamping Curriculum Management: Optimizing Academic Operations

"Revamping Curriculum Management: Optimizing Academic Operations" is a new print-on-demand booklet from Inside Higher Ed. You may download the free...

Pathological Mineralization

The machinery in our bodies that creates bones and teeth can sometimes go awry. In today’s Academic Minute, part of...

Reversing Course on Mask Mandates

Colleges across the U.S. are changing policies on mask mandates, reinstituting such requirements amid increasing coronavirus cases. Some see a direct link to spring break travel.

Expanding Footprints and Seeking New Markets

Some HBCU leaders are considering building satellite campuses to expand their reach and serve more Black students.

COVID or Not, Why They Come (and How It’s Going)

A look at how the pandemic impacted—or didn’t—students’ admissions and college choice process and experiences.

Free Speech for Me, and Thee?

Princeton says it won’t remove a reference to a professor’s controversial comment about a Black student group from a university-sponsored webpage. Some say this is retaliation, but others say the pro–free speech professor is now advocating censorship.