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Transportation Incentives and Affordable Housing: Academic Minute

Today on the Academic Minute: Nathan McNeil, research associate at the Center for Urban Studies at Portland State University, examines...

Centering Discomfort

Drawing on her experiences as seemingly the only atheist in her undergraduate theology and philosophy classes, Mairead Carr writes about how we need to rethink the issue of censorship in college.

Students Need More Counseling—and More Than Counseling

Student impressions of and experiences with campus mental health services and supports show there’s still work to be done in providing needed help. How can colleges make existing services more accessible and expand offerings?

‘Comfort Is the Enemy of Progress’

Vassar College senior Ryan Mazurkiewicz reflects on censorship versus discomfort in the classroom.

Embracing OER Institutionwide

A new study finds that open educational resources are a big hit with some community college students and faculty, but that these textbook alternatives won't reach their full potential until administrators embrace them.

Grade Inflation Deserves an A

As an instructor, Candy Lee asks, if a student, working diligently, hasn’t managed to grasp a subject, whose fault is it—theirs or mine?

Tackling the Stack

As the academic year comes to an end, Daniel Cole offers some tips for how to grade student essays efficiently and with integrity.

Florida Passes Posttenure-Review Law

Florida’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, on Tuesday signed SB 7044, which establishes a new posttenure, five-year review cycle for professors...