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Eric Schwitzgebel, a professor of philosophy at the University of California, Riverside, has written several articles on the concept of jerks. On his blog, he has posted a "jerk quiz" to help you find out if you are a jerk.

Here's one question:

At the staff meeting, Peter says that your proposal probably won't work. You think:
(a) Hmm, good point, but I bet I could fix that.
(b) Oh, Loretta is smiling at Peter again. I guess she agrees with him and not me, darn it. But I still think my proposal is probably better than his.
(c) Shoot, Peter's right. I should have thought of that!
(d) Peter the big flaming ass. He's playing for the raise. And all the other idiots here are just eating it up!

For all the questions and a scoring guide, check out the blog.