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TIAA-CREF, which provides financial services and retirement planning to employees of colleges and universities, will shorten its name to TIAA, the company announced. The name change is part of a larger rebranding effort, which also includes a new website and logo design.

The rebranding is meant to capitalize on the company’s history -- founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1918, it was originally called TIAA -- while also highlighting its ability to innovate. The company was originally created to fund retirement plans for professors, but it has since branched out; now it also serves researchers, government workers and medical professionals, among others.

The company also hopes the rebranding will make its services easier to navigate. The name will be easier to say; the content will be easier to read. Website copy will be written more directly and will be accompanied by more images.

“When it comes to planning for the future, our research found that many people don’t know where to start,” Connie Weaver, chief marketing officer at TIAA, said in a press release. “The reimagined TIAA customer experience is designed to break through the fear and inertia that people may have when it comes to financial decision making.