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Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Thursday named his six appointments to the reconstituted National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity, which advises the secretary on issues related to accreditation. The previous incarnation of the panel was disbanded by Congress as part of last year's renewal of the Higher Education Act, driven in part by Congressional concerns (shared by many college leaders) that the panel -- whose members all were appointed by the executive branch -- had become too politicized. Congress's answer: let us appoint some members, too; the new panel has 18 members, six appointed by the secretary, six by the Senate, and six by the House. Duncan's appointees are below; so far, the other two appointees are Dan Klaich, chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education (appointed by Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada) and Cameron Staples, a state legislator from Connecticut (by Sen. Chris Dodd of, yes, Connecticut).

  • Earl Lewis, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, Emory University.
  • Susan Phillips, provost and vice president for academic affairs, State University of New York at Albany.
  • Jamienne Studley, president and CEO, Public Advocates Inc., and former president, Skidmore College.
  • Aron Shimles, student, Occidental College.
  • Frank Wu, professor, Howard University Law School.
  • Frederico Zargoza, vice chancellor of economic and workforce development, Alamo Colleges.