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The Young Conservatives of Texas are protesting a sculpture, "Tornado of Ideas," that they say disrespects many on the campus. The sculpture features many parts and many images -- some of which are visible on this Facebook page organized by those criticizing the work. The Young Conservatives of Texas have specifically cited parts of the sculpture that portray the Texas Tech mascot, the Masked Rider, using a javelin to (the conservatives believe) sodomize a police officer and that show two lesbians sitting together. Joe Arredondo, chairman of the the university's public art committee, said he was surprised by the protest because the sculpture has been on campus since 2004. "I guess they finally got angry," he said. Arredondo said he wasn't sure he would agree with the way the students have characterized the various images. "As with any great artwork, it's subject to all kinds of interpretation," he said. As for students protesting the sculpture, he said he wasn't bothered. "This is a work about ideas," he said.