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The Yale University Art Gallery -- one of the larger and more comprehensive collections at an American college -- is starting a new program to share art for periods of a year or more with museums at six other colleges, which in turn will plan educational programs and exhibits. An announcement of the initiative -- which is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation -- states that "while digital technologies have increased access to museum collections, there is no substitute for original works of art, which contain not only a particular magnetism, but also a wealth of information about history, human culture, and much more."

Following are the colleges and the focus of their art loans from Yale:

  • Bowdoin College, four early-modern European paintings and 30 early-modern American works.
  • Dartmouth College, 30 to 40 ancient Mediterranean objects.
  • Mount Holyoke College, 41 ancient Greek and Roman objects.
  • Oberlin College, 20-40 European Renaissance paintings and objects.
  • Smith College, 30 to 40 Asian works.
  • Williams College, 35-50 works of American, ancient Greek and Roman, Asian, African, European, and Islamic art.