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Senator Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat who has become a leading critic of for-profit higher education, took to the Senate floor Thursday night to criticize ads that he said were encouraging students to enroll at such institutions, The Hill reported. "The ad that just really troubles me shows a lovely young woman who says you can go to college in your pajamas.... You don't even have to get out of bed to go to college, and she's got a computer on her bed there." He added that "I don't believe anybody should fall for that, but some must, and they end up signing up for these for-profit schools, getting deep in debt with a worthless diploma when it's all over."

The Hill identified this ad -- in which the actress playing a student starts by saying "I love learning new things in my pajamas" -- as the one that concerned Durbin:

The ad is for, which promotes online higher education. While many of the colleges it promotes are for-profit, others are not.