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"Student Voices," a website at San Francisco State University, has provided a way for students to tell their individual stories on the impact of tuition hikes at the institution. One student comments: "This year I had to take out two student loans and only had $90 left. Needless to say, I couldn’t buy some of my books right away and instantly fell behind in some classes. There are no more loans that I, as a student, can pull out." A veteran wrote: "I have to be very careful about what classes I take. Sections of classes I need to take have been closed because there aren't enough students to take them. I only have partial coverage from the 9/11 GI Bill, so I still have to pay 3 or 4 thousand in tuition and fees because I'm also an out of state student... This is the first semester that I've ever taken out student loans. I've managed to make it through college on scholarships so far, but the tuition increases make it more difficult to cover the cost of education."

An article in The San Francisco Chronicle details how the site was created out of a protest in which President Robert Corrigan and frustrated students started talking about their differing perspectives on tuition increases, and the need for legislators to better understand the impact of tuition increases.