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Blackboard announced last week that Ray Henderson is leaving his position as president of academic platforms at the company and is joining its Board of Directors. On his blog, Henderson characterized the shift as one that could expand his influence. "It means I’ll no longer manage day-to-day operations for our Academic Platforms group. In handing off the day to day, I’ll take a new role that will provide me a perch with broader purview across the whole of Bb. I’ve been enlisted to think about the whole of Bb and its pieces, and how they might come together to produce the most coherent and effective global education company that we can design," he wrote.

Henderson's shift is likely to be closely watched (and it already is). He came to Blackboard from Angel, when Blackboard purchased that company in 2009. Henderson was seen by many as more communicative and more open to ideas than other Blackboard leaders at the time -- and his presence has reassured not only customers of Angel but many other Blackboard customers. The e-Literate blog noted that Henderson's move comes at a time of a number of prominent job changes in the learning management system industry.