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Baylor University's student government adopted a resolution last month that asked the university's board to change the student code of conduct to ban "deviate sexual intercourse"deviate is sic -sj instead of "homosexual acts." The resolution would in fact ban every sex act that two men or two women might perform, but would clarify that the same acts are also inappropriate for straight couples -- and that all sex outside of heterosexual marriage is wrong. Supporters of the measure said that they hoped it would remove some of the stigma felt by gay students at the university. The measure was mocked by some gay people as doing far too little, but the resolution will not even be delivered to the university's board.

The president of the study body vetoed the resolution. Wesley Hodges, the student body president, told The Waco Tribune that his action was not meant as an attack on gay people. “I truly believe that Baylor treats its students with grace, love and truth, and in doing that seeks to accept all students, but does not affirm all student behaviors,” he said. “Simply because the university disagrees with your actions or lifestyle, does not imply that it is seeking to attack you.”