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The National College Access Network Friday launched a national campaign to encourage high school seniors to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

The campaign, Form Your Future, is focusing on low-income and minority students -- those least likely to apply for financial aid but most likely to benefit from it.

"Their award might affect their decision to attend college and, ultimately, change the course of their career," said NCAN Executive Director Kim Cook.

U.S. Department of Education data shows that 92 percent of students with household income less than $50,000 received a Pell Grant in 2016-17, according to a release from NCAN. But less than half of high school seniors complete the FAFSA before graduation. The Form Your Future campaign will partner with celebrities and social media personalities to reach students where they are already engaged.

The White House -- together with the website College Humor -- released a video featuring Michelle Obama that tries to show how silly it is not to fill out the FAFSA.