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The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has joined the growing list of institutions that have turned down requests by white nationalist Richard Spencer to speak on campus.

Chancellor Carol L. Folt in a statement Wednesday cited safety concerns as the reason for rejecting Spencer. Folt said in her statement that she consulted with local and state law enforcement.

“Our basis for this decision is the safety and security of the campus community -- we are not willing to risk anyone’s safety in light of these known risks,” the statement said. “I am deeply saddened and disturbed that the violent and virulent rhetoric being espoused by extremist groups has jeopardized the ability of campuses to promote robust dialogue and debate about important issues while ensuring public safety.”

Referencing the deadly protests in Charlottesville, Va., earlier this month, colleges and universities -- including Pennsylvania State University, Michigan State University, the University of Florida and Texas A&M University -- have refused Spencer's requests to appear because of potential violence.