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Dozens of graduate programs at the University of Missouri at Columbia are up for closure, combination or further review, based on the recommendations of a campus Academic Programs Task Force. Students in affected programs will be able to finish their degrees, and final decisions about the programs will be made during the spring semester, the Missourian reported. Ph.D. programs recommended for closure include those in romance languages, art history and archaeology, classical studies and chemical engineering. Master’s programs pegged for closure include religious studies, applied mathematics and dispute resolution. Programs of significant concern include the Ph.D. in history. The School of Medicine seeks to combine five Ph.D. programs into a single interdisciplinary degree.

Mizzou’s review process reportedly began last year, when University of Missouri system president Mun Choi called for an 8 to 12 percent budget cut and a review of operations to address decreased enrollment and state funding. Some faculty members have objected to the report, saying recommendations are based on old data. The task force considered such metrics as programs’ enrollment and years to degree completion.