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At least seven and possibly as many as 10 women -- students and employees of the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater -- reported that they had been sexually harassed by Pete Hill, husband of Beverly Kopper, while she was chancellor of the university, according to an independent investigation into the allegations. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel obtained the report and wrote about it. Hill has denied wrongdoing, and Kopper resigned from her position amid the investigation.

The report said that Kopper did not block inquiries into her husband's conduct. But the report was also critical of her. "The large number of complaints suggest that Hill's unprofessional and improper behavior toward women was pervasive and well-known; indeed, a number of university employees made note of his behavior and took steps to protect one another from Hill. At best, this suggests that Hill's behavior was a blind spot for the chancellor," the report said. (The photo shows the couple at her inauguration.)