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Dan Gerlach, the interim chancellor of East Carolina University, resigned Saturday, citing a scandal over photos of him in bars near campus, The Daily Reflector reported. The photos show him drinking and in physical contact with women. Gerlach was suspended in September after the photos were anonymously sent to local journalists.

In his resignation letter, Gerlach said he had not upheld the UNC creed that “members of our academic society exemplify high standards of professional and personal conduct at all times … I believe that this shortcoming was significant enough that my resignation is in the best interest of the University,” Gerlach said.

A petition called for Gerlach to stay. "Throughout Gerlach's short time at ECU he has become a beloved and respected member of the East Carolina community. He has proven to be a leader who is approachable for students. He is commonly seen taking pictures with students on campus, cheering with students at football games, and holding pleasant conversations with students around town," the petition said.