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Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted her disapproval of Democratic candidate for president Pete Buttigieg's opposition to universal free college.

Ocasio-Cortez called Buttigieg's position a "GOP talking point used to dismantle a public system." She went on to say that universal public systems are designed for everyone and when certain groups are cut out, "cracks in the system develop." She also tweeted that universal systems benefit the most when everyone's invested, and that the children of the rich tend not to go to public universities, as they prefer Ivy League institutions.

Ocasio-Cortez has expressed her support for Senator Bernie Sanders.

South Bend, Ind., mayor Buttigieg had previously said that free college would alienate half the country and would mean free college even for millionaires' children. Buttigieg does have his own free college plan for families earning up to $100,000.