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Alumni of and students at Wisconsin Lutheran College are protesting the college's decision to invite Vice President Mike Pence to speak at commencement ceremonies Saturday.

"WLC has insisted that this event 'is not in any way meant to be viewed as a political event, as it cannot be, and is not a political statement,'" the alumni and students say in an open letter. "They claim the decision was apolitical. However, the mere invitation of a vice president of an incredibly divisive and controversial ticket to speak in a swing state months before an election is ignorant and deceptive. Speaking to young adults months before an election is a political move and not one that WLC can decide is apolitical."

A university statement says, "While serving and leading, Vice President Pence has done so with an unapologetic faith in Christ, and he advocates for the freedom of religious expression so that ministries like our churches and Wisconsin Lutheran College can flourish within a pluralistic society. We recognize that we all have varied ideologies and political viewpoints. Yet, we believe it is possible within our context to leave partisan politics at the door and to celebrate America, our freedoms, Christian servant leadership, and our graduates' immense accomplishments. This event is not an endorsement of a political party, candidate, or a party's platform. Commencement is not in any way meant to be viewed as a political event, as it cannot be, and is not a political statement."