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Dozens of Ohio University students protested Thursday following racist incidents on campus, according to WBNS, a CBS affiliate.

Last weekend a person left a note containing racial and misogynistic epithets on a bag of trash in a residence hall. And on March 21, campus police told WBNS a male student urinated on the door of junior Christopher Brown, who is Black and a resident dorm adviser. The student was initially cited with public urination but later charged with criminal mischief, police said.

Brown told WBNS he believes the incident was racially motivated. “The person who did this lives all the way down the hall and came to the only black RA’s room, urinated and ran,” he said. Brown later received an anonymous message on Twitter saying that someone on Snapchat said they wanted to see him lynched, according to campus police.

Campus police are investigating the incidents.

“Our community will not tolerate a culture that threatens, physically or emotionally, any group or individual on our campus,” Ohio University president Hugh Sherman told WBNS. “These types of incidents set us back from our educational mission and our efforts to build and support a diverse University community.”