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The University of Wisconsin system postponed administering a student survey on campus free speech after the plan sparked controversy, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

The survey, originally scheduled to launch Thursday, will now be administered in fall 2022, according to an email sent Wednesday by Tim Shiell, who directs the Menard Center for the Study of Institutions and Innovation at the University of Wisconsin at Stout, to Michael Falbo, the interim president of the system. The center, which is funding the survey, is named for prominent conservative donor John Menard and was founded with a donation from the Charles Koch Foundation.

The decision to delay follows the resignation of Jim Henderson, the interim chancellor of the University of Wisconsin at Whitewater. He and other chancellors reportedly raised concerns about the survey.

“We want to make sure we have a quality research project and given all the hoopla that’s arisen around this at this point, the research team just felt we couldn’t do the survey now and feel like the results were going to be reliable and credible,” Shiell told the Journal Sentinel.