The Long-Awaited FAFSA Autopsy Is Here

Government investigators dissected the federal aid form’s botched rollout at a congressional hearing Tuesday. Their findings paint a familiar picture of bureaucratic bungling, with some telling new details.

Battling Crises on Campus

A crisis communications expert discusses the state of higher ed, last spring’s protests and what administrators can do to prepare for potential unrest ahead.

Report: Socio-Emotional Readiness of College Students Is On the Decline

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted interpersonal skills as well as students’ academics, according to research from EAB.

Program Innovation: Building a Pipeline for Diverse Educators in Seattle

A growing initiative at Seattle Central College helps address a need for diverse teachers in Washington State through free tuition, professional support and culturally responsive pedagogical training. The program has content focused on intergenerational and academic trauma for students of color.

Quick Takes



To Restore Trust, End Legacy Admissions

Ronald Daniels and Tom Stritikus write that ending legacy preferences is a first step in repairing trust in higher ed.

Pictures at a (Cancelled) Exhibition

Alex Lichtenstein writes that the cancellation of an art exhibit at Indiana University was but a prelude to further insults to academic freedom.

The Cliff, the Pandemic and the Hurricane

Who said fairy tales can’t be scary? Rick Clark distills higher ed’s enrollment challenges in a children’s story.


Stanford Creative Writing Determined to Do the Wrong Thing

Now, I try to be amused, but it’s not working.

A Near-Future Vision of AI in Higher Ed

The state of the art of generative artificial intelligence is changing at lightning speed. Advances come by the hour, not just by the day. How might this play out in higher ed?

Beyond the Text

How high theory reshaped our understanding of power, social structure, cultural dynamics and history.

Career Advice

Making the Most of Individual Development Plans

They can be used for promoting communication, collaboration and growth within research groups, write Jacob J. Ryder, C. K. Gunsalus, Elizabeth A. Luckman, Jacob A. Brown, Nicholas C. Burbules and Julia Briskin.

Rebooting the Presidency

If we help our campus leader have a more balanced role, it will lead to meaningful gains in presidential effectiveness, satisfaction and longevity, writes Ryan Hays.

The Hidden Career Superpower

Building genuine relationships through networking can differentiate between those who thrive and those who get lost in the shuffle, writes Laura Kuizin.


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The Confusion and Chaos of Title IX Reform

President Biden, when he was elected in 2020, promised to immediately overturn Trump-era Title IX reforms. But the bold changes he introduced to the federal government’s gender equality law have hit a series of regulatory and political roadblocks causing chaos and confusion among compliance officers, university leaders and students. Judges have temporarily blocked enforcement in nearly half the country, leaving the future of Biden’s reforms hanging in the balance. Get up to speed with Inside Higher Ed’s coverage of the key developments.