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FAFSA forms buried under other items on a messy desk.

The FAFSA Fiasco’s Forgotten Students

The botched rollout of the federal aid form has affected current students as much as incoming first-years. Some feel abandoned amidst the scramble to help applicants.
A group of four young adults talk animatedly next to a large window on campus.

Students’ Fresh Thoughts on Value and Affordability 

Most students say they’re getting a valuable college education, but their feelings are mixed when asked directly about affordability, according to new Student Voice data. Students also weigh in on ideas for lowering costs—and reject cuts to academics (including tenure) and to student supports.

graduation mortar board on top of pile of cash

Value of College Degree Is Clear, but Public Skepticism Persists

A new report from the Pew Research Center shows that the wealth gap between people with and without college degrees remains wide.

California Assembly Passes Legacy Ban Bill

California’s state assembly voted unanimously on Tuesday to pass a bill that would ban legacy preferences in admissions at public...
Students’ walk up a staircase with only their legs showing over the words “enrollment on the rise” on the stair risers.

Undergraduate Enrollment Picks Up Steam

Enrollment rose across regions and degree types this spring, with strong showings at community colleges. But there’s still a long road to post-pandemic recovery.

A drawing depicting a passport and an F-1 student visa; the latter document is stamped, in red, with the word “Rejected.”

Student Visa Denials Threaten U.S. Competitiveness

College leaders should focus immigration lobbying efforts on state lawmakers, in addition to federal ones, Samba Dieng writes.

Four blocks of text from essay prompts, highlighted sporadically in light orange, on a darker orange background.

Re-Evaluating the ‘Essay Carveout’

After the Supreme Court barred affirmative action, many selective colleges added essay prompts focused on identity and diversity. Will they hold up under legal scrutiny?