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A football player in a red jersey and helmet throws a football across a field of other players as a crowd looks on

Seeking an Enrollment Hail Mary, Small Colleges Look to Athletics

As enrollment challenges compound for small liberal arts colleges, some are betting big on new athletics programs, hoping they’ll result in new tuition revenue.

A panoramic view of the University of California, Berkeley, campus as seen from a distance, with the bell tower rising above the other buildings.

Access, Fairness and Graduate Programs in the Humanities

In favoring applicants from elite private institutions, graduate programs in the humanities are shutting out talented students, Timothy Hampton writes.

Univ. of Maine System Offers Free Tuition to Survivors of Shooting

Survivors and family members of the victims of a mass shooting in Lewiston, Me., in October will be granted free...
A woman in a cap and gown going up the stairs

College Completion Rates Remain Stagnant

After years of incremental but steady growth, six-year completion rates have been at a standstill since 2020. Is pandemic hangover to blame, or something bigger?

A man in a red shirt talks to a man in a black shirt in a high school hallway

Recruiting to Campuses Far, Far Away

Demographic shifts and funding woes have led a diverse and growing array of colleges to hire recruiters who live and work hundreds of miles from campus. Is it worth it?

A racially diverse group of college students attends a lecture.

The Next Step in Equity Work

Prioritizing community college transfer students is the next, necessary step for four-year colleges, Charlotte Gullick and Wendy Maragh Taylor write.

Three Black people touch the names on a slave memorial.

Affirmative Action Is Dead. How About Reparations?

As colleges reckon with the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ban, some see an opportunity to return to the policy’s early roots: reparations through admissions.

A columned brick campus hall surrounded by trees

UNC Wilmington Penalized for Exceeding Out-of-State Cap

The University of North Carolina at Wilmington was sanctioned last week for surpassing its out-of-state enrollment limit for the second...