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The Many Faces of Mentorship

Countless minorities have been propelled forward in their career by people who don’t look like them or share their experiences, writes Victor Menaldo.

An Essential Worker

Deborah Parker describes why she decided to teach in person this semester and what she's learned from it.

Beyond COVID-Style Teaching

Teaching face-to-face classes wasn't the most difficult part of this past semester, writes Christine I. McClure, but rather balancing that with everything else.

When I Was Trolled, My Institution Got It Right

Susan M. Shaw recommends some ways that other faculty members and institutions can best respond if it happens to scholars on their campuses.

Why Interviewing Your Interviewers Matters

Recognizing that an interview is a data-gathering opportunity can help you to focus on not just if you are the right fit for the job, but if it is the right fit for you, advises Lauren Easterling.

Soft Promises, Hard Realities

The supports that make life in academe possible for so many of us -- especially those marginalized by race, class, gender, sexuality and disability -- are being revoked, writes Carolyn Chernoff.

How to Bypass Bullies and Get to Graduation

Graduate students should be prepared to identify and deal with them now more than ever, argues David Mihalyfy.

Keep the Distance in Distance Learning

Kelsea Turner makes the case for making group work optional in such classes.