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Just Distribution

Elizabeth Simmons discusses fair and efficient selection processes for distributing raises, grant funds, workshop seats and other resources.

Do the Job You Were Hired to Do

When it comes to earning tenure, you need to forget all the fights about who is responsible for higher education's problems and focus on one simple piece of advice, writes Chuck Rybak.

When Friends Leave

In academic careers, those to whom you are closest frequently move.

Pitfalls for New Presidents

Christine Helwick describes some of the financial and managerial problems that trip up college leaders -- and how to avoid them.

How to Avoid Being Published

Rob Weir considers the mistakes humanities professors make that keep them from having journal submissions accepted.

Build Your Dream Team

To move projects ahead, you need to get the right advice, writes Kerry Ann Rockquemore.

An Alternative to ABD

Academe shuns the many doctoral students who are “all but dissertation.” Jill Yesko proposes another way that would help them and institutions alike: the Certificate of Doctoral Completion.

Conflict in Academe

An important career skill is knowing when to avoid a disagreement and when to stand your ground, and the dividing line is particularly challenging for those without tenure, writes Nate Kreuter.