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Endangered Species

The United States needs experts on Russia. But Mark Lawrence Schrad, one such expert, describes how difficult it is to find a job in academe with this specialty.

Tenure Brain

It's time to be honest about how psychologically and professionally damaging the tenure process is, even to those who succeed, writes Cheryl E. Ball.

The Happy Hour Test

Departments favor candidates who seem like they will fit in, and there's nothing wrong with that, writes Jeffrey A. Johnson.

Let Them Play the Game

Sarah Demers tried (and failed) to teach a new card game to her family. She's the one who ended up learning something -- about when lectures aren't the right approach.

The Difficulty of Delegating

Faculty members with long to-do lists need to think about when and how to trust others with key tasks, writes Nate Kreuter.

The First Class After the Bombs

Susannah Clark wasn't sure how to help her students make sense of the Boston Marathon bombings -- but one of them bailed her out.

Running a Teaching Postdoc

It's not enough to bring a new Ph.D. to campus and say "teach," writes Gary DeCoker. These young academics need a real plan and real mentors.

Listening to the Wrong People

When new presidents take office, they need to make judgments based on good information, or they will get rid of those they may most need, writes Tara M. Samuels.