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The President's Many Roles

Boxer, minister, police officer, psychologist, Nobel laureate: K. Johnson Bowles considers the traits and expectations campuses hold for their leaders.

Are We Kind to Strangers?

Does your campus leave the welcome mat out all year -- or just on red-letter days? Take a good look around, Maria Shine Stewart advises.

Saying 'Thank You'

Katrina Gulliver wonders if academics could be better about reaching out with gratitude to those whose work shapes their own.

How to Attend a Conference

You don't have to sit through boring presentations, writes Nate Kreuter, but you do need to think strategically.

Climate Change

Interested in making your department more inclusive? Elizabeth Simmons and Ramón S. Barthelemy offer suggestions for improving the climate for LGBT colleagues and students.

Your First Academic Job -- II

William Helmreich explains how to excel in an interview.

Your First Academic Job - I

William Helmreich offers an insider's tips on how to get the all crucial interview.

Summer Retooling

This is the perfect time to rethink the courses you teach, writes Nate Kreuter. He offers advice on evaluating feedback so you can develop the best new plan.