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Pragmatic Advising

The difficult academic job market gives new responsibilities to professors who are asked by undergraduates about pursuing Ph.D.s, writes Martin S. Edwards.

Think Like an Administrator

Monica Jacobe explains the mindset switch that accompanies a move from faculty to administration.

Teaching Writing Is Your Job

Professors need to move past blaming others for the state of writing on campus, writes Nate Kreuter.

Getting Into the Admission Office

W. Kent Barnds offers advice for those trying to switch into admissions from other professions.

On Writing

Whether we're slaving over a scholarly article or a textbook, or knocking off streams of memos and e-mails, virtually all of us write constantly -- and we can do it better and more meaningfully, Mike Rose argues.

Letter to a Gay Professor

The provost of a Christian college responds to a letter from a faculty member unable to be open about issues of sexuality while remaining employed.

Having 'The Talk'

Shaun Longstreet and Brenda Bethman discuss how to tell your doctoral adviser that you may not want a career in academe.

Introducing Conference Connoisseurs

The accountability craze is everywhere. In our new feature, an assessment expert and an institutional researcher review restaurants in cities where academic conferences abound. First up, Chicago.