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Starting Out in Student Affairs

Josh Milstein considers the transition from a graduate program to the first job.

The Toughest Class You’ll Ever Take

Why become an academic leader? Elizabeth Simmons contends that it enables you to extend your love of learning into a new arena.

Don't Sweat the 4/4

People starting their academic careers shouldn't write off jobs at teaching-intensive colleges, writes Melanie Springer Mock.

The Rogue Scholar

Brandy Schillace explains how she is transitioning from a tenure-track position to an alt-ac career.

2012 in Review

Terri E. Givens reflects on a year in which issues of balance and stress received renewed attention -- amid growing worries about the future of academic careers.

On Guns in My Classroom

There are issues on which faculty members need to draw a line, writes Nate Kreuter.

Consider Staying

Just because you finish your Ph.D. doesn't mean you have to do a national job search, writes Rachel Leventhal-Weiner. Sometimes your best bet is to make a career where you are.

Pipe Dreams for a First Sabbatical

Brett Foster is making lists of his goals, and thinking about what would be realistic.